【TFWIKI资料翻译/搬运】Praxus 云雾山城


翻译: @长呆毛的熊孩子  @神様 以及新来的小可爱 @扶柳 





Praxus 云雾山城

Praxus is one of Cybertron'scity-states, located in the northern hemisphere. It borders one or more of thefollowing city-states: Iacon, Uraya, and Protihex, making it a candidate forthe city-states the Tri-Torus Loop leads to. Praxus is Cybertron'stechnological and cultural center and occupies a prominent position inCybertron's political arena. This tends to put the citizens at odds with theDecepticons, who seek to forcefully reimagine Cybertronian society. For thisreason, Praxus often is targeted during the early phases of the war.

Sometimes, it becomes more popularlyknown as Praxis.

云雾山城是赛博坦的城邦之一。她与铁堡、不破城和婆娑天城这三者中的一个或几个城邦接壤,因此可以推断她可能是三半岛环路(Tri-Torus Loop)【1】经过的地区之一。云雾山城是赛博坦的科技和文化中心,并且在赛博坦的政治舞台上占有重要的地位。这使得云雾山城的居民们与霸天虎势同水火,因为霸天虎力求通过强硬手段重构塞伯坦社会。正亦如此,在战争早期,云雾山城经常成为霸天虎的攻击目标。


Contents 目录

1Fiction 小说

1.1Dreamwave Generation One continuity DWG1系列

1.2Cyber Key Code info 变形金刚角色卡

1.3Live-action film series 真人电影系列

1.4Shattered Glass 玻璃渣镜像宇宙

1.5IDW Generation 1 continuity IDWG1系列

1.6Aligned novels 官方小说

1.7Beast Wars: Uprising 野兽之战:起

2Notes 注释


DreamwaveGeneration One continuity

Over8.7 million years ago, Praxus was a flourishing, utopic metropolis, one of theTri-Peninsular Torus States, (Transformers: The Ultimate Guide )and hometo Bluestreak(Hardwired) andProwl. (The War Within #1) Manyof its citizens pursued a career as merchants and traders, (New World Order )while others had occupationsthat supported Praxus's status as Cybertron's technological and culturalcenter. Praxus was a city with little coherence in its architecture. Rather,the city's buildings reflected the essence of the all-encompassing tradition ofPraxus, with some bearing the mark of shadowy ancient cultures whereas otherswere designed in the spirit of progress. One building looked like a pyramid,with a large glowing orb on top of it that glowed blue, orange and white inorder. The orb broadcast a greeting in every available Cybertronian language toany alien culture elsewhere in the universe. Another building of unknownpurpose appeared as a hundred massive, opaque bubbles stacked on top of oneanother. The city's landscape additionally featured white, blue, brown andgolden towers, massive bulbous structures and ziggurats, and a number ofcitizens lived in apartments in graceful, cezium steel towers. The center ofthe city was occupied by the circular, domed and spired structure of theAssembly, the crown on Praxus's achievements.

DW G1系列

在870万年前,云雾山城是一个欣欣向荣的、近乎完美的大都市,不仅是“三大半岛环面州(Tri-Peninsular Torus States)”的成员之一(《变形金刚:终极指南》),还时汽车人成员蓝霹雳和警车的故乡(《变形金刚•内战第一部 01》Transformers: The War Within #1)。很多云雾山城的子民从事商业活动,其他人从事的职业则使云雾山城拥有了赛博坦的科技和文化中心的地位。矗立于云雾山城的建筑从不会显得千篇一律。事实上,这些包罗万象的建筑都是对于帕拉克萨斯文化包容性的真实写照,一些建筑保留了古代文化的印记,另一些则展现了进步的精神。其中有一栋金字塔型的建筑物,最顶端放置了一个巨大的球体,会依次发出蓝光、橙光和白光。球体用现存于世的赛博坦方言向着宇宙深处可能存在的外星文明表达问候。还有一座用途不明的、外表看上去是由一百个巨大的、不透明的气泡堆叠在一起形成的建筑。在云雾山城里还能看见涂成蓝色、白色、金色的塔楼、宏伟的球形建筑、气势磅礴的庙塔,和供许多市民作为公寓居住的、外形优雅的钅赛钢(cezium steel)【2】塔。在云雾山城的城中心矗立着有着圆形穹顶的议会大厦,那是云雾山城王冠上的明珠。

Thedownside of Praxus's prosperity was that it drew the attention of Megatron. Asa symbol of the virtues of the "old way", its existence was aliability to the philosophies of the Decepticon faction, and it eventuallybecame the target of a grand scale attack. The intent was for every citizenpresent in the city at that time and every piece of evidence of their cultureand civilization to be destroyed, with one exception. One citizen had tosurvive in order to spread the message of the Decepticons' might. Ramjet wasput in charge of selecting and secretly protecting the lone survivor. Thechoice fell on Bluestreak, who ended up performing his role as Decepticonpropaganda tool excellently.( Hardwired)

云雾山城的繁荣带来了一个缺点:这座城市引起了威震天的注意。作为“旧时代”美好繁荣的象征,云雾山城的存在是对霸天虎思想的一种挑衅,并使这座城市成为了霸天虎大规模袭击的目标。袭击的目的是为了毁灭城内的每一位居民和一切能证明云雾山城的文化和文明存在过的证据,但霸天虎愿意留下一位幸存者。因为必须要有人活下来,才能向外界转述霸天虎的强大。喷气机负责选择和秘密地保护这位幸存者。蓝霹雳被选中了,并在不知情的情况下成功扮演了霸天虎宣传工具的角色(变形金刚G1小说第一部《束缚》,The Transformers Trilogy Book 1:Hardwired)。

Ashort time after the death of Sentinel Prime half a million years later,Grimlock called Jazz, Prowl, and other Autobots to the former site of Praxus'sHelix Gardens to discuss the impending succession. Grimlock believed that thecity served as a metaphor; The old ways were gone and the Decepticons'ruthlessness had left them without equivalent options. He informed his peersthat if the new Prime was not able to do what needed to be done, they wouldhave to take over leadership of the Autobots and, if necessary, take out thenew Prime. (TheWar Within #1)

在约一百万年以后,御天敌刚牺牲不久之时,钢锁便通知爵士、警车和其他汽车人前往云雾山城螺旋花园(Helix Gardens)【3】的旧址,商讨即将到来的汽车人领袖继任问题。钢锁相信把这次集会选在云雾山城的螺旋花园是一种隐喻,它象征着过去的老路子,而霸天虎的冷酷无情让他们没有了瞻前顾后的时间。他告诉他的伙伴们,如果新选出的领袖不足以挑起重任,那他们就应该接手汽车人的领导权,并在必要的时候除掉新任领袖(《变形金刚•内战 第一部 01》Transformers:The War Within #1)

2.2 million years later, Praxus became Megatron'sbase of operation during the Age of Internment. He had nearly all of the Autobotsenslaved in Internment Camp Pi, where they were put to work digging a tunnel toCybertron's very core. He himself took up residence in the Decepticon HighCommand Aerie, which like everything in Praxus was guarded by AerospaceExtermination Squadron units. Shockwave was given a laboratory inside the aerieto find a way to make the squadron units loyal to Megatron instead of theirtrue masters, the Quintessons.( The Age of WrathPt.2) Shockwave's researchadvanced steadily, the only interruptions being a series of inexplicableexplosions inside his lab. (The Age of Wrath Pt.3)

The Age of Wrath ceased publication before the storycould conclude. The following would have taken place in unpublished issues.

220万年后,云雾山城变成了威震天在囚禁时代的行动基地。他把几乎所有的汽车人奴役在城内的介子集中营,逼迫他们在这里挖出一条直通赛博坦中心的隧道。他本人则待在霸天虎的最高指挥中心,这里和城内其他地方一样,都受到太空灭绝兵团(AerospaceExtermination Squadron units)【4】的保护。在指挥部内,震荡波被威震天授予了一个实验室,以便他寻找让太空灭绝军团效忠于威震天,而不是他们真正的主人五面怪的方法(《变形金刚•内战•愤怒年代 02》The War Within The Wrath Ages-2)。正当震荡波的研究稳步推进之时,他的实验室内发生了一系列的爆炸,实验被迫中断(《变形金刚•内战•愤怒年代 03》The War Within The Wrath Ages-3)。


Megatron was informed by the Quintessons that theAutobot rebels hiding in Iacon were advancing on Internment Camp Pi to freetheir comrades, so the Decepticon leader went there to personally deal withthem. Meanwhile, Shockwave succeeded in reprogramming two squadron units, onlyto find one of them possessed by Grimlock's ghost. (The Age of Wrath Pt.4)

五面怪告知威震天:藏匿在铁堡的汽车人反抗军正向介子集中营发起进攻以求解救他们的同伴。得知此事,霸天虎首领亲自前往集中营对付他们。与此同时,震荡波改编了两个宇宙灭绝者,却发现其中的一个宇宙灭绝者由钢锁的灵魂控制(《变形金刚•内战•愤怒年代 04》The War Within The Wrath Ages-4)。

In 2003, the Keepers informed Bluestreak how he hadbeen manipulated by Megatron in the past, fueling his hatred for theDecepticons and Megatron in particular. (Hardwired) When Shockwavearrived on Earth with the message that the war on Cybertron was long over andthe order for the Earth-stationed Transformers to surrender, Bluestreak was themost fiercely opposed to obliging the Decepticon.( New World Order)

在2003年,蓝霹雳从一些自称“领主”的家伙那得知自己在霸天虎袭击云雾山城时幸存是由于威震天的操控,这再次成功激起了他对霸天虎,尤其是对威震天的仇恨(变形金刚G1小说第一部《束缚》,The Transformers Trilogy Book 1: Hardwired)。当震荡波来到地球,告知赛博坦上的战争早已结束、并要求在地球上的变形金刚投降时,蓝霹雳是对投降持最激烈反抗态度的(《变形金刚•第一代•战争与和平 01》Generation One War and Peace-01)。

Cyber Key Code info

The inhabitants of Jungle Planet have a card gamethey call Praxus Fold 'Em. One would reason that Praxus exists then, thoughwhether the place is located on Jungle Planet or Cybertron is unclear. (Brimstone's Cyber Key Code text)


树神星的居民会玩一种名叫“云雾山城折叠牌(Praxus Fold 'Em)【5】”的卡牌游戏。据这个名字我们可以推断在硫磺(Brimstone)所处的世界观中存在云雾山城,但不清楚这座城市是在赛博坦上还是树神星上。(摘自硫磺的角色卡)

Live-action film series

Praxus exists and lies between the area where thesmelting pool is located and Polyhex. The Launch Pad and Central City can befound some space aside from Praxus. (Risk)


在真人电影系列中,云雾山城存在并处于熔炼池所在的区域和莫邪天城之间。离云雾山城稍远的地方还有发射台和中心城(Central City)【6】。

Shattered Glass

When Astrotrain had attached himself to the hull ofthe Ark and was destroying the ship's guns along with his Micromaster squad,Rodimus compared them to Praxian mech-ticks and suggested they'd deal with themthe same way; by burning them off.( Do Over )There's also a placecalled Praxus-Delta, but the nature of its supposed connection to Praxus isunknown.( BotCon 2008 Rodimusprofile card)


当大火车与他的微型战士(Micromaster)小队一起在方舟的外壳上破坏方舟的武器时,怖天士发现了他们,并将他们与云雾山城电子壁虱(Praxian mech-ticks)相比,并提议以和除掉电子壁虱相同的方法除掉他们:把他们烧掉。在玻璃渣镜像宇宙中还有一个被称为云雾山城-δ的地方,但此地与云雾山城的关系不详(摘自怖天士的角色卡)。

IDW Generation 1 continuity

One time before the war, an electrical storm hit theTri-Peninsular Torus States. As it passed close to Praxus and Protihex, itinterrupted newsfeeds and scrambled communications in Rodion. (Chaos Theory Part 2)

IDW G1 系列

在内战开始前,一场电子风暴袭击了三大半岛环面州(Tri-Peninsular TorusState)。当它移动到云雾山城和婆娑天城附近时,它打断了新闻播报并扰乱了罗迪昂(Rodin)的通讯信号。

Aligned novels


The Assembly

The Helix Gardens





Praxus was a progressive state, its Helix Gardens asymbol of the Golden Age, and its Assembly was where scientists of Crystal Cityand Nova Cronum presented their findings. Many of its citizens approved ofMegatron's anti-caste system beliefs, but were disappointed by his militantdirection. Megatron felt betrayed by this reaction, and so he sent Seekers,Constructicons and Bruticus Maximus to attack. The Praxians threw in theirsupport with the Autobots. With Praxus far from primary Decepticon territory, Megatronran into the same supply problems as the Autobots normally did, and Praxusbecame the war's first stalemate. With thousands dead and the city ruined,Megatron conceded defeat and his soldiers left.


It was at Praxus that Optimus Prime gained twoindispensable allies in Ironhide and Prowl. It was also the place where Ratchetmade his name as medic and soldier. (Exodus)

正是在云雾山城,擎天柱获得了铁皮和警车这两个不可或缺的盟友。这也是救护车既做战士又做医生、一战成名的地方(《变形金刚•征途》 Exodus)。

Beast Wars: Uprising

During the Grand Uprising, the Resistance capturedPraxus, a mixed city where Maximals and Predacons co-existed. However, theysoon ceded the city to the independent warlord-turned-monarch Rage, who annexedinto her growing domain. It did not survive the Vehicon Apocalypse; anysurvivors of the blitzkrieg retreated to her capital of Triax.( Derailment)


在大起义中,反抗军占领了云雾山城,一个巨无霸和原始兽共同生活着的地方。然而,不久后他们就把云雾山城割让给了前军fá、现君主海月(Rage)【7】,她将这里吞并为她不断扩张的领地的一部分。云雾山城没有在之后的量产进攻大灾变(Vehicon Apocalypse)【8】中幸存下来。在针对这座城市的闪电战之后,幸存者们都撤离到了海月占领地的首都:三同轴城(Triax)【9】。


Bluestreak's toy bio and Universe profile state thathis home city was destroyed by Decepticons, with Universe adding thatBluestreak was the lone survivor, but neither give the city a name. The same istrue for the Dreamwave Generation One continuity, including the More Than MeetsThe Eye books. It was Scott Ciencinwho established in Hardwired thatBluestreak's home city is Praxus. This likely was because at the time"Hardwired" was written, only a few locations on Cybertron had beengiven names and of them only Praxus had the properties to be Bluestreak's homecity. The fact Bluestreak's moldsake Prowl was already established to be fromPraxus may have contributed to the decision. In any case, whether futurecontinuities will keep to this or reassign Bluestreak's home to anotherlocation is yet to be seen.


在蓝霹雳的个人角色卡和《变形金刚宇宙》中(??????原谅我的孤陋寡闻)都说明了他的故乡毁于霸天虎之手,《变形金刚宇宙》还补充到他是他故乡唯一的幸存者,不过这两者都没有给出他故乡的名字。在DW G1系列(包括DW出品的《超越视觉:变形金刚人物简介 More Than Meets TheEye books》【10】)中也没有提到。直到官方小说《束缚》出版后,编剧Scott Ciencin才确定了蓝霹雳的故乡是云雾山城。这很有可能是因为当《束缚》在创作的时候,赛博坦上只有为数不多的几个地点有名字,在他们中,只有云雾山城才有成为蓝霹雳故乡的属性。事实上,当时已确认和蓝霹雳机型相同的警车来自云雾山城,这可能促进了编剧作出这一决定。不管怎样,在未来的系列中,蓝霹雳的家乡是否还是云雾山城,或者变成另一座城邦还有待观察。


【1】三半岛环路(Tri-Torus Loop):赛博坦圆环面公路系统(sub-orbital overway network)中靠近铁堡和不破城地区的一段.

【2】钅赛钢(cezium steel):Cezium,可能是cézium或者caesium(两者都指化学元素铯Cs),但考虑到“铯钢”的用法与铯的化学性质不符,所以译者把它粗暴地拆成Cez(前缀)和ium(常见金属元素后缀)两个部分,并合理(?)推测Cez代指赛博坦并把它命名为钅赛(相似举例:Polonium钋与Polska波兰)。


【3】螺旋花园(Helix Gardens):云雾山城著名景点。“数千根蓝色的水晶在在甲烷中若隐若现、叮当作响。一个美丽的,令人遐思的地方...”——警车语。


【5】云雾山城折叠牌(Praxus Fold 'Em):并没有找到国内相应的汉化,此处采用直译。

【6】中心城(Central City):目前出现于能量晶体和真人世,为“控制室(Control Room)”的所在地。


【8】量产进攻大灾变(Vehicon Apocalypse):在第四次赛博坦内战中,近乎绝望的缔造者议会(Builder Assembly)为了赢得这次战争已经不择手段。为了实现他们的目的,他们释放出了很多量产杂兵(Vehicon),但他们并不清楚自己究竟释放出了什么怪物。


【10】《超越视觉:变形金刚人物简介 More Than Meets TheEye books》:和IDW的MTMTE系列完全不是一个东西,此处为DW出品的一套角色介绍书,书中包含了G1动画,漫威元祖漫等多个系列的人物简介。

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